Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Books Reviews: The First 17 of 2014

One of my New Years Resolutions is to read at least 40 books this year. I did a blog post at the end of the year about my 10 favorite books from 2013, and I got some good feedback! So I thought that I would post book reviews more regularly.

This post is TOO LONG. So I think I'll start posting after I complete one book ;)

Books I'm reading this year have been chosen for 1 of 4 reasons:
1. I never finished this book or I skim read it for class and it needs another go around.
2. It will help me for teaching in the Fall
3. Someone I love suggested it, and I want to talk about it with them.
4. A selfish pick just for my little heart and desires.

So here are my reviews of the first 17 books I've read this year...