Monday, May 17, 2010

My top 5 favorite bathrooms at USU

Bathrooms may seem like a strange choice in portraying the things I really love about my days here - but I have found this analogy to be sufficient. I think a lot about blogging when I have to use public restrooms. I think public restrooms provide a very introspective environment.

(Because of the lack of names for certain campus bathrooms, I will be referring to them by location)

So without further ado: My top 5 favorite bathrooms at Utah State University...

5. the first floor of Old Main

I first encountered this bathroom during Fall '09 semester. I love when I enter a room and am immediately nervous that I have entered a completely different place than I intended. This bathroom does that to you. As soon as you open the door assigned Women you find yourself standing in a little shelved and carpeted room (glimpsed above). No matter how many times I have used this bathroom, I have always been thrown off by this room and had a moment of panic. As I enter this bathroom- I always laugh (normally out loud) at my confusion.
Best Part About This Bathroom: it is a push door as you exit. Seems like a no brainer but this is one of the only bathrooms I have ever encountered where you pull to get in the restroom and, after just washing your hands, push to leave it.
How innovative you are dear, Utah State.

4. the East one in the Institute

I like this bathroom mainly because I never knew it existed. I like to think of it as a little secret cove that I can go to finish putting on eyeliner. I should also mention that it has taken me a while to warm up to public restrooms. Sometimes Blotts turns on the sink when I enter a public restroom - that helps take the pressure off of everybody listening as you shatter the air with the sound of rushing water. That being said- the institute is one of the quietest settings to be in. Because this little bathroom is tucked away in a corner, I feel comforted knowing that my toilet flushing didnt disrupt the 7 classrooms nearby that are having spiritual moments.
USU - not very well known but extremely comforting.

3. that old skinny one in the TSC 1st floor

Just like the Institute bathroom - I like this bathroom because it feels like a secret.
Whenever I enter this bathroom I am reminded just how old Utah State is (est. 1888). Entering this bathroom feels like entering a new century where everything is old and wooden. It is also extremely uncomfortable to try and walk through the skinny area between the sinks and stalls - forcing awkward moments between fellow bathroom companions. I laugh every time I am in this bathroom by how cramped and awkward I feel in it. When I am carrying a particularly heavy load in my backpack, it hits the stall door when Im washing my hands. So funny.
USU - a pretty old, often awkward school.

2. the one all the way in the back of the 3rd floor library

This bathroom worked its way to spot #2 strictly because of frequency of use. The TSC bathroom is not a bathroom I could visit regularly - whereas the library bathroom is the bathroom I feel most comfortable in. The library bathroom serves as an excuse to walk around and take a break from studying. The BACK library bathroom elongates the 'taking a break' process and serves as a nice unpopulated bathroom where I can check my teeth and current dance moves in the mirror before leaving. I choose 3rd floor because everybody knows this is the quietest part of the library where a flush can be heard in a 12 shelf radius - giving me the entertainment and satisfaction that fellow studiers are slightly interrupted by a noise that I caused.
How full of academically obsessed study bugs who secretly dance in bathrooms you are, dear Utah State.

1. Second floor Ray B West.

Unfortunately as I walked to RayB this morning to take a picture of this AWESOME bathroom, I realized I couldnt get in as they are doing construction right now. pfffff.

This is, hands down, the best bathroom on campus.
I know I am a little biased because it is located in the English building but hear me out. This bathroom holds all of the positive qualities of the 4 previously mentioned bathrooms
1. really old 2. tends to be awkward 3. makes me laugh 4. isnt located by a large variety of classrooms 5. is very innnovative.
PLUS. It has an old disgusting couch in it that reminds me of those high school sitcoms where they sometimes have couches in the bathrooms where they sit and exchange dialogue for a second. In other words - I feel like Im in Boy Meets World. AND the couch is orange - which for some reason, if I could associate RayB with a color? it would definitely be orange.
BUT the best part of the bathroom is the north stall. The north stall has a window in it that looks out onto the Quad. Last semester they put in one of those new filmy windows so that you cant see clearly in or out, but last year they had a regular old window which was HYSTERICAL because not only could you sit and use the restroom (a normally boring and redundant activity) but you could ALSO watch people on the quad out the window. This also added a certain thrill to using the bathroom as you always wondered if the people out on the quad could see you (this portion supported by the addition of filmy non see through windows last semester).
Conclusion: Utah State, like the Ray B West bathroom, is awesome.

This post is both lengthy and ridiculous. But guess what? Im on summer vacation. Which is also both of those things.


Chess said...

The basement bathroom in Family Life is awesome. It has THE most retro looking faucets in the world, and I love them. It also has a bookshelf thing you can put your backpack on. I love the Ray B. West bathroom too, but for a different reason!!! The doors open OUT instead of in!! It means that I'm not pinning myself up against the toilet, worrying that my phone will fall out of my back pocket into the bowl, because the door opens in so far, you have lean back to get around it. Isn't that fantastic? :-)

Kevin Erik White said...

Institute one is the best for glad you put that one on there

Linz said...

Oh I miss Corey and Topanga! ha ha ha ha

D said...

I love this post.

This demonstrates the value of the blogosphere -- info like this never makes it into the mainstream media, so we have to rely on dedicated bloggers like you to fill in the gaps. Fabulous report.

Brently said...

I must confess my favorite is the University Inn Lobby. I just pretend that I'm not a student, but rather a visitor staying at the hotel. I trick them every time! (5th Floor of the Inn is also pretty nice) And I have to admit frequent use (As frequent as my on campus bathroom experience can be...which isn't very much) to the 3rd Floor Library Bathroom too. It's out of the way like a bathroom should be. I'll have to give a try to some of your picks...the mens side of course...also I find you would like the Geology 1st Floor Women's bathroom. You have to walk down some steps to get to it. It looked rather interesting...almost enough that one night after a study session I ALMOST went down to see where the stairs led. Check it out before you leave!

Lisa and Doug said...

Hmmmmm. I think I better go clean your bathroom!

Shelley said...

I hope you don't have a large blog readership because you just gave away crucial information about secret bathrooms...I hope they don't get too busy now that you've given these secrets to the world;-)

Emily said...

bahahhahah i seriously love you. I think i use the 3rd floor library bathroom more than any other bathroom.