Tuesday, December 17, 2013

25 Days of Christ - Day 17

The 25 Days of Christ is my project this Christmas to collect different thoughts of Christ from different Christians that come from different perspectives. The goal of my project is to unify us in celebrating and praising our Savior Jesus Christ this holiday season. I hope that throughout December we can let all within us praise His holy name!!

Photo by Mark Mabry (http://www.reflectionsofchrist.org/index.php)
Copyright © 2012 Reflections of Christ. All rights reserved.

Lord of All: Even Christmas

When I was 12 years old I first began to understand that Jesus died for me. I grew up going to church sporadically but then, once it became inconvenient, rarely. I had never once thought about having a relationship with The Lord. That idea was introduced to me when God met me on a junior high church retreat that I begrudgingly signed up for. Jesus came alive to me when the speaker spoke, scripture was spoken, and when listening to the lyrics.

Since that day over 15 years ago, every day I am still learning how big, how wonderful, how glorious Jesus is. I will forever be indebted to Him for what He did on the cross for me and for you. I want to live every day for Him. I want my marriage to be about serving each other like Christ did and serving others together like Christ did. When we begin to understand the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we realize that the clear response is complete and utter humility for we are so so undeserving of his passionate, all-consuming love. 

We are now approaching Christmas, a season that I wish I looked forward to more. Sadly, I am torn between truly wanting to be one of the few voices that try to point back to Christ as the whole and true reason why Christmas exists and being overwhelmed with the secular (and unfortunately also some Christian) voices who highlight Santa and a holiday-induced-kindness-to-all. But we, as Christians, must become the louder voice. Let's highlight Jesus during this season and truly every season. Do we celebrate this week because some fictional character drops off too many presents at homes that already suffer from too much? Or do we celebrate because the Savior of the World, The Lord Jesus, has been born to save us from our sins? Let's celebrate. Let's bring out the birthday candles. Let's get into God's Word. Let's bask in the love of Christ together. 

- Emily

Note: The postings from "The 25 Days of Christ" are thoughts shared by guest posters and may not directly reflect the perspective of the blog's main author, Cocoshirley. Any pictures added have been added by Cocoshirley and not by the guest author.

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