Wednesday, December 04, 2013

25 Days of Christ - Day 4

The 25 Days of Christ is my project this Christmas to collect different thoughts of Christ from different Christians that come from different perspectives. The goal of my project is to unify us in celebrating and praising our Savior Jesus Christ this holiday season. I hope that throughout December we can let all within us praise His holy name!!

Photo by Mark Mabry (
Copyright © 2012 Reflections of Christ. All rights reserved.

The Savior Jesus Christ has saved my life. I have felt his power help me through difficult times and heal me of difficult things. I have strived to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, and have found that as I do my life has completely changed. It is through this change that I am beginning to understand what He was really like--gentle, kind, patient, and full of love. He is God's Son, and I am his brother. He blazed the path that leads to eternal life, and I know that when we follow Him, eternal life will be our reward. He lived a perfect life. He died on a cross in Calvary. He was resurrected three days later, and prepared the way for me to do the same. It is because I believe this that I have felt His love and it has shaped me. Because Christ came, I can, with all my weaknesses, be made enough. Because of Christ, I can do hard things. I know He lives. I know He loves me. 

- Rob

Note: The postings from "The 25 Days of Christ" are thoughts shared by guest posters and may not directly reflect the perspective of the blog's main author, Cocoshirley. Any pictures added have been added by Cocoshirley and not by the guest author.

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