Thursday, December 19, 2013

25 Days of Christ - Day 19

The 25 Days of Christ is my project this Christmas to collect different thoughts of Christ from different Christians that come from different perspectives. The goal of my project is to unify us in celebrating and praising our Savior Jesus Christ this holiday season. I hope that throughout December we can let all within us praise His holy name!!

Photo by Mark Mabry (
Copyright © 2012 Reflections of Christ. All rights reserved.

Let me start by saying that I looooooove Christmas. This has not always been the case, there were some years in which Christmas felt very sad and nostalgic to me. That was until I realized that Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of the biggest source of hope and peace in my life, the Savior Jesus Christ. The Young Women in my ward and I have been practicing "When Joseph Went to Bethlehem" which is a beautiful primary song.

"I think there at the busy inn that he was meek and mild
And awed to be the guardian of Mary's sacred child.
Perhaps all through the chilly hours he smoothed the swaddling bands,
And Jesus felt the quiet strength of Joseph's gentle hands.
And close beside the manger bed, he dimmed the lantern's light
And held the little Jesus close upon that holy night."

I love the simplicity of The Savior's birth, such a humble event has brought so much joy to this world.

Today I feel inspired because I just found out that after many years, an Apostle of the Lord was able to visit my native country. There have been so much going on there for the last 16 years, but it is wonderful to know that the saints there are still strong and faithful, and have not let politics and poverty diminish their faith and hope. May The Lord protect the saints in Venezuela and any other place where they may be suffering from persecution and oppression.

I cannot describe in words how much I love my Savior. He has given me everything, even more than I deserve. I'm thankful this year for my husband and daughter, my parents and siblings, and everyone else that has contributed to my happiness this year.

Here's the video!

Dejenme empezar diciendo que encaaaaaaaanta la Navidad. No siempre ha sido así, por varios años sentí que la Navidad era una temporada triste y nostálgica. Así fue hasta que me di cuenta que la Navidad es un tiempo para celebrar el nacimiento de mi mayor fuente de paz y esperanza, El Salvador Jesucristo. Las mujeres jóvenes de mi barrio y yo hemos estado practicando "Al irse a Belén José" que es un hermoso himno de la primaria.

"Yo pienso que en el mesón su suerte aceptó,
y ser guardián del Cristo de asombro lo llenó.
Habrá acariciado tiernamente al bebé,
y éste habrá sentido el cariño de José.
Y junto al pesebre, apagó la tenue luz,
y en sus brazos, con amor, sostuvo a Jesús."

Me encanta la simplicidad del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador. Este evento tan humilde ha traído tanto gozo a este mundo.

Hoy me siento inspirada porque acabo de enterarme que despues de muchos años, un apóstol del Señor pudo visitar mi país natal. Han pasado tantas cosas allá en los últimos 16 años, pero es maravilloso saber que los santos allá todavía están fuertes y fieles y no han dejado que la política y la pobreza afecten su fe y esperanza. Que el Señor proteja a los santos en Venezuela y el cualquier otro lugar del mundo dónde están sufriendo persecución y opresión.

No puedo describir con palabras cuánto quiero al Salvador. El me ha dado todo, aún más de lo que merezco. Este año estoy agradecida por mi esposo y mi hija, mis padres y mis hermanos, y por todas las personas que han contribuido a mi felicidad este año. 

- Andreina

Note: The postings from "The 25 Days of Christ" are thoughts shared by guest posters and may not directly reflect the perspective of the blog's main author, Cocoshirley. Any pictures added have been added by Cocoshirley and not by the guest author.

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