Friday, December 20, 2013

25 Days of Christ - Day 20

The 25 Days of Christ is my project this Christmas to collect different thoughts of Christ from different Christians that come from different perspectives. The goal of my project is to unify us in celebrating and praising our Savior Jesus Christ this holiday season. I hope that throughout December we can let all within us praise His holy name!!

Photo by Mark Mabry (
Copyright © 2012 Reflections of Christ. All rights reserved.

Jesus confuses me.

I have a hard time admitting that. He's JESUS, after all! Lord of my life, forgiver of my sins, the one who came to Earth as a tiny baby to bring me into God's family once and for all. And I do love Him.

But when I read His words, I find my boat gets rocked. See, I'm a compulsive rule-follower. I love my "checklist": tell me what to do, and I'll do it. But He says things like this:

"You have heard that it was said to an older generation, 'Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subjected to judgment.' But I say to you that anyone who is angry with a brother will be subjected to judgment."

In fact, half of Jesus's famous Sermon on the Mount is made up of statements like that. "You have heard this rule. But I say to you: it's way bigger than that." 

He's cutting down the legalistic Pharisees, who walked around with their noses in the air feeling superior. And He does a pretty good job of keeping my ego deflated, too. I want to reduce Jesus's teachings to a list of rules. Do not murder, do not commit adultery, take an eye for an eye. Check, check, check. See how righteous I am? See how together I have it?

But Jesus didn't come to give the rule-followers like me another checklist to complete. He came to show us a new kingdom--a kingdom where the things our societies trample on are the cardinal values: humility, meekness, and mercy. A kingdom where our hearts yearn to please our Heavenly Father, not by keeping a list of rules, but by becoming more and more like His. 

He knew we couldn't make it there on our own, so He, the perfect citizen of that new kingdom, made a way for us to get there. He calls me to accept my place in that new order, and it's a place where I have no business feeling any sort of pride. Frankly, that's a tough sell for me. But this Jesus who offers mercy, grace, love, and family so freely--but at great cost to Himself--makes me want to keep figuring this "following" thing out. 

And in those moments when I realize how lost I truly am, how small-minded and small-hearted I am, I'm really glad Jesus didn't care about my silly checklist, anyway.

- Rachel M.

Note: The postings from "The 25 Days of Christ" are thoughts shared by guest posters and may not directly reflect the perspective of the blog's main author, Cocoshirley. Any pictures added have been added by Cocoshirley and not by the guest author.

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